One-2-One Constellation – The Inner Process

One-2-One Constellation – The Inner Process

Please contact me if you’re considering this session personally or professionally

Investment: €POA

  • Description


    Would you like to explore an issue in your life that hasn’t benefited from thinking or analysing?   

    Is there an issue or question that may be keeping you “stuck” and out of your place?

    Imagine detaching from the stories you tell yourself and just “seeing” what is?

    In a still and quiet space we will work together as client and facilitator to explore a question or issue that you as the seeker wish to look at.  Using this powerful and transformational methodology, there is less talking about the issue and less re-telling of the ‘story’ that is behind the discomfort, the unease or the stuck-ness being experienced. 

    We will explore the question or issue creating a map that will allow us to work with an externalised image so that you can stand back, and peek through the veil, dismantling the elements of the “story”, revealing the hidden knowledge that lies underneath ‘the story’.  In setting out representatives for people or elements in your life you can “see” in a very different way how they really are. 

    In this 2 hour 1-2-1 session you will get an opportunity to illuminate the hidden underlying forces that may be impacting you and your life, providing access to the wisdom and truth of your question or issue.  This work is potent, lifechanging and healing, bringing a new awareness and resolution.

    Benefits of working this way include:
    • Quickly identifies and reveals the roots of very challenging underlying issues.
    • Clarifies otherwise invisible difficulties, finds hidden resources and resolution.
    • Helps you to find your ‘place’ using a uniquely powerful approach.
    • Creates a focus on ‘seeing the whole’ and ‘acknowledging what is your current reality’ in order to move forward and resolve the real issues.

    If it’s time for you to illuminate what is “stuck” in your personal or professional life and to look at it in a different way, contact me to make an appointment. 


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