Reiki Master Level Three – 15th & 16th November 2025
Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th November 2025 – 10am to 5pm each day – Follow-up Day (3rd Day) 30 days after initiation
Balance due prior to the first day of the course. Course Certificate and Manual included in the cost
This course is designed specifically for those who want to progress on their Reiki Journey by becoming a Reiki Master. In this course you will be initiated into Level 3 Master Reiki (Third initiation into elemental earth healing ray). This is a 3 day course, taught over a weekend (10am to 5pm) with a follow-up day approximately 30 days after your initiation.
This next step on your Reiki healing journey is a continual process of working with all aspects of one’s being that maybe out of step with Reiki energy and allowing those aspects to be healed by Reiki energy. As each person takes the Reiki Master training, and increases their personal vibration, this adds to the vibration of the whole planet!
As Reiki Masters we must seek to develop and express the qualities of love, compassion, wisdom, justice, cooperation, humility, persistence, kindness, courage, strength, and abundance as Reiki energy is all of these and more.
It may seem paradoxical, but a true Reiki Master is one who is always becoming a Reiki Master. Like life itself, it is a process of continual growth.
Over this Reiki Master Attunement Course you will:
- Receive the Reiki Master Attunement
- Learn all symbols to each of the three Reiki Attunements (Most covered in your Reiki Level 2)
- Learn how to initiate others in Reiki I, Reiki II and Reiki III
- Opportunity to practise these attunements on your fellow practitioners.
- Use powerful healing symbols for Planetary Healing
- Discussion time about experiences and feedback
On completion you will have gained Tera Mai Reiki Master Level 3 Recognised Certification. This course is supported by a manual and is certified.
In order to participate in this course you must have achieved Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level Two Certification. You must also have attended at least 3 Reiki sessions within a 3 month period prior to your initiation into this Master Level 3.
If you have completed the first two levels with another teacher you will need to provide copies of your certificates.
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