August is the month of my birth and around this time each year, I reflect on all that’s happened during the previous 12 months. Last year especially was challenging, difficult, lonely, tiring, inspiring and wonderfully memorable – for all the right reasons.

I became a wife, a sister-in-law, and an aunt-in-law. I developed new skills that allowed me to work remotely and continue my business online. Zoom became the new norm and I learned to like the look of me!

I experienced sadness around the loss of a recently acquired precious brother-in-law, witnessed challenges in personal relationships and grieved silently as my son moved out and became a home owner.

And yet today as I contemplate this last year, I realise that I still have the opportunity to celebrate and enjoy another birthday. Each year offers me the welcome reminder that it is a privilege to be alive for yet another year. I’m excited to be moving into a new year and it’s humbling and wonderful to be alive every day.

Courage to age gracefully and to live my life with purpose and ease is my birthday wish. Ageing is definitely a privilege and certainly better than the alternative.

Another year older, wiser and more grateful!
#gratitude #wisdom #life #health #wellness