Rituals are present in most of our daily lives, implicit in the routine of simple things such as making a cup of tea, mealtimes, leaving and coming home, a handshake when meeting someone new, a hug and kiss for those we know and love.
Births, deaths, marriage, joining, belonging and leaving all have rituals as part of their structure. A set of actions or words performed in a certain way that reflects the value and importance of the situation or the people we encounter.
Constellation work has always had a ceremonial or ritual component to it. Whether in a group or a 1-2-1 setting, the simple but powerful action of setting up “live” representatives or objects requires an inner reverence, presence and respect. This way of working cultivates an awareness of the importance of rituals that can strengthen and empower our intentional thoughts, and help us feel grounded and connected.
Joining, belonging or leaving a relationship or organisation, for example, can benefit from small but powerful rituals to help bring meaning and understanding to sometimes challenging and irrational situations.
If you find yourself in a situation that hasn’t benefited from linear analysis then maybe its time to look at it from a different perspective.
Contact me directly if you are curious about this way of working….
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