I’ve discovered that wellness is not a destination but an ongoing practice! It’s not something you are – it’s something you do and you don’t have to be “well” to practice wellness. Anyone can do it, at any time in their life.
Deciding to take one small step that can move you towards “better”, on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level is practicing wellness. Wellness is a proactive approach to engaging in activities and interests that promote optimal wellbeing.
We take time to look after our bodies, hair, skin, feet etc. but how much time do we devote to looking after our essential self – our soul. So why not create your own roadmap to wellness and bring balance, stability and harmony to your relationships, your family, your work and your life.
Participating in things that are good for your soul is healing, re-energising and grounding. Taking time out, even 5 minutes, during your busy day to breathe consciously, to relax and realign can be part of your decision to practice wellness. Connecting in on a deeper level with yourself brings awareness and awareness brings choice thus allowing you to decide whether to react or respond to your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Balancing, clearing and protecting your energy are paramount to living well and attending a Reiki session enhances the body’s innate ability to heal. Reiki promotes relaxation, stress reduction and symptom relief to improve overall health and wellbeing.
Over the coming months decide to include something that’s good for your soul. Practice some mediation each day; maybe devote 5 minutes to silence during your day or book a Reiki Healing session, allowing the body to catch up with the frantic and often chaotic mind.
“What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life tomorrow; our life is the creation of our mind”
#balance #stability #wellness #healing #wellbeing #energising #relaxation #revitalise #peace #soulwork #meditation #mindfulness