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I believe that the body is a magnificent piece of kit, possessing its own infinite wisdom, knowing when and how to...

Change – from a different perspective

I thought I liked change!  But discovered recently that I’m not as good with it as I thought! I practice yoga...

No need for words….

Did you ever just sit and not feel the need to speak or fill the silence? Enjoying the feeling of comfort,...

There’s no place like home

I was reminded of this recently when I came across an advert on TV.  Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz was...

Does your life flow with grace and ease?

Life can be changeable, unpredictable, challenging, rewarding and fun.  Lots of times it flows with grace and ease.  However, other times...

Intuition – do you trust it?

“Within your subconscious depths lie infinite wisdom, infinite power and an infinite supply of all that is necessary” (Dr Joseph Murphy...

Let someone know……..

Let someone know……that you love them, appreciate them and think they’re brilliant, that they’re doing a great job, that they make...

A Spoon full of sugar……….

 “In every job that must be done there is an element of fun – you find the fun and snap!  The...

Creating Space in our lives

Returning to my yoga practice after an extended break, I relished the feeling of getting back onto my mat and reconnecting...

“What others think of you is none of your business”. Deepak Chopra

How true those words and yet how many of us are greatly affected by the opinions of others.  Of course everyone...